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Menace d'éclaircie is a street boys' band that is a good half-century behind the Top Fifty!
A street music that draws as much from ZZ Top as from Verchuren... Rock 'n' roll attitude, distortion, but also paso doble and java...
A choreographed and quirky show performed by five brothers and a sister who are convinced they are rock 'n' roll stars, whose original music reveals to us, with horror, the idols that shaped their youth...
Klervi Piel : Bombarde
Guillaume Thierry : Drums
Youen Paranthoen : Accordion
Nicolas Chatelet : Baritone saxophone
Kerian Portebois : Guitar
Sibiu International Theater Festival (Romania), Les mercredis du port (CNAR Citron Jaune), Horlofolies (La Chaux de Fonds), Fira Mediterrania in Manresa, Printemps des Abers (CNAR Le Fourneau), Les tombés de la nuit (Rennes), L'humour des Notes Haguenau, Houldizy Festival, Vivacité Festival (Sotteville), NoBorder Festival (Brest), Festival des Vendanges (Suresnes),Fêtes de Gayant (Douai), etc...
Artistic file
Press picture #1
Press picture #2
Representation in acoustics, fixed and/or wandering
Duration: 1h30
Modular in several passages (ideally 3 times 30mn)
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