Erwan Bérenguer: Electric guitar Yann Le Bozec: Bass Alan Paranthoen: Violin Youen Paranthoën: Diatonic accordion Hugo Pottin: Drums |
The music on this disc is that of the anthropochorerythmographic show "LAB":
" Convinced that the best way to get along is to dance, Professor Aérobicov once again tries the LAB experiment
With the help of his 6 acolytes, he will lock up a sample of handpicked subjects in his laboratory to test new frenzied rhythms, unstructured farandoles and invented dances.
Will the subjects manage to complete the protocol?
Five musicians and a dancer reinvent a moment of participative, playful and jubilant dance against a backdrop of observation and quirky manipulations.
You haven't upped the EKG in a while? Did you buy new sneakers?
Go ahead, this show is for you. »
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Composition: Youen Paranthoen
Arranged by: Erwan Berenguer
Recorded at Kerguestenen studio during winter 2019 by the Klam Collective
Mixing: Collective Klam
Mastering: Master Lab
Production, graphics: Léo Neveu
Photos: Jean-Luc Cavellec, Eveno Photo
[L.A.B] - KR10
1 - Les égratignures
2- Louloudéac
3 - Les dromadaires avancent #2
4 - La centrifugeuse à danser
5 - Les vieux lardiés #1
6 - Chacun ses chiottes sèches et son chaux chanvre
7 - J'avais pas dix ans
8 - Souben Gi
9 - Ridécallées
10 - La danse de l'amour
11 - Les pyjamas de cowboy